5 January 2020 posted by Recovery Partners

A Task Analysis (or a job breakdown) is simply reducing a complex job into its individual tasks accompanied by step by step procedures for accomplishing each task. A detailed breakdown of roles provides you with a comprehensive analysis of each member of your staff’s particular roles and physical demands. This provides you with a complete overview of the requirements, duties and responsibilities of a role, helping you ensure the correct safety and injury management measures are in place.

Given that  WHS standards and requirements are constantly evolving, managers and executives are expected to know the ins and outs of roles within their organisation. They are also expected to meet and embrace any role-specific changes. 

Many businesses assume that workers understand how their role and wellbeing directly affects the success of the company. However, if your workplace roles are not well defined, employees may fail to understand their responsibilities and accountabilities.

5 benefits of role breakdown

The importance of having a detailed breakdown of roles in your workplace go beyond simply reducing role confusion. Below are some of the benefits of having a detailed breakdown of roles done by a Job Task Analysis.

 1.  Minimising the risk of injury

Knowing the individual tasks of a job can help management identify potential workplace hazards. By analysing the relationship between the worker, the tools of work, and the task,  you will be able to take steps to eliminate safety risks, establish proper work procedures and minimise the risk of injury.

2.  Assisting with pre-employment health checks

Pre-employment tests provide a baseline health assessment for workers and help you determine whether an employee is medically suitable for a particular role. With a clear picture of a job’s individual tasks, employers can design your pre-employment health checks to suit the available job. This helps you recruit the most suitable candidate for each role.

3.  Have a better understanding of safety training

Workplace safety training will give your employees the knowledge and skills to safely operate equipment and protect each other against unintentional injuries and accidents while working. Organisations with a detailed breakdown of roles can provide their employees with task-specific training for your employees.

4.  Helps to identify alternate duties for employees

A detailed breakdown of job roles offers employers a great platform for analysing alternative duties for workers. This simplifies your company’s return to work programs as you can easily locate suitable duties. This is achieved by comparing employee’s capacities, skills and experience, and medical limitations to the requirements of each task. When injured workers are allocated suitable duties on returning to work, they are more likely to sustain their return.

A detailed breakdown of job roles also enhances communication with Treatment Providers, Insurers and Return to Work Coordinator’s as it provides a clear expectation of physical demands assisting treatment and physical expectations upon return to work.

5.  Ensure employees have a clear understanding of requirements and productivity.

Well defined roles eliminate confusion in the workplace. It ensures employees are aware of their responsibilities, improving collaboration in the workplace, and as a result, increasing productivity.

Having a detailed breakdown of roles in your workplace can improve your employees’ health and safety and help avoid increased compensation costs.

At Recovery Partners, we can help you assess your work systems and assign employees the most suitable roles. In so doing, you will improve your organisation’s workplace health and safety performance resulting in fewer lost work hours, decreased insurance rates and compensation premiums.


Find out more about Job Task Analysis Services

Our services are available nationwide. For more information about our services contact us.

Our consultants love to have a chat, so go ahead and give us a call on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.au

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Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/Â