A yellow dump truck on a dirt road emptying the contents of their tray. DVA rehabilitation services

17 January 2025 posted by Recovery Partners

In this case study we will explore how Michael, an ex-army veteran who was medically discharged in 2022, engaged in DVA rehabilitation services with Recovery Partners. DVA referred Michael to Recovery Partners in November 2022. Within 24 hours, Recovery Partners Consultant Siva contacted Michael and arranged their initial meeting only 5 days later at a local library close to his home. Siva invited Michael to bring a family member or support person to the meeting and he brought his partner along.

What happened during the initial meeting?

During the initial meeting, Siva explained DVA’s whole of person approach to rehabilitation and explained the 3 different goals of rehabilitation – medical management, psychosocial and vocational rehabilitation. They discussed the two different types of Rehabilitation Plans – Non-Return to Work and Return to Work. Michael decided that he would like to proceed with a Return-to-Work Rehabilitation Plan.

From the initial meeting, Siva identified that Michael’s mental health had deteriorated over the past few months, and he did not know how to access treatment for this. He also did not have a good local GP or Exercise Physiologist. Michael and his partner noted that he didn’t leave the house as much as he used to, and his friends had been asking to catch up, but Michael didn’t feel like it anymore. Michael also said that his financial situation was not as stable as he would like and that was largely due to the fact that he was unemployed at present.

How did Siva help Michael tackle these issues?

Siva confirmed that Recovery Partners can help with all of these concerns. Within 24 hours of this initial meeting, Siva emailed Michael information for Open Arms Counselling and how to access non liability health care through DVA. Michael and his partner were not aware of either. Siva also emailed through information of a good local GP and Exercise Physiologist, one that was experienced with working with veterans, and with completing DVA paperwork. The GP had also been recommended from our other veteran clients.  Siva also provided Money Smart’s details for free financial advice so that Michael and his partner could gain better insight into how to better manage their finances.

Michael was able to engage in his hobby 

Over the course of the next few months, Siva provided a list of psychosocial activities that DVA typically approves. Michael expressed that he would like to get back into the gym as fitness has always been a keen Interest of his. Once Michael confirmed which gym he wanted to go to, Siva facilitated payment for a 3-month gym membership within 24 hours and a few days later, Michael was hitting the gym!

Michael found a job! 

Once Michael had linked in with his treaters and felt ready to return to work, Siva worked together with Michael to figure out a potential vocational direction. Michael reported that he would like to return to work as a Dump Truck Operator. Siva identified that retraining was required to undertake this job and after medical clearance was obtained, Siva was able to get DVA to fund this. After completing his retraining, Siva helped Michael with resume and cover letter development and actually looking for Dump Truck Operator jobs. Within 1 month of job seeking, Michael had secured a full-time role and has been working ever since.  

Want to find out more?


Our services are available nationwide. Our consultants love to have a chat, so go ahead and give us a call on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.au

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