6 January 2020 posted by Recovery Partners

We get it; blood can make you squeamish, you can’t find the time during your busy working week to donate, or you haven’t got enough motivation to donate.

However, despite all the reasons against blood donation, Australia faces a shortage of blood supply, which could severely affect us all in the near future.

World Blood Donor Day takes place on 14 June each year. It is the voluntary and unpaid blood donors that make a critical contribution to national health systems. Find out more about World Blood Donor Day 2021.

Some blood donation statistics

  • Only one in thirty Australians will donate blood in their lifetime, which is only 3 percent of the population
  • In contrast, one in THREE will need blood at some stage in their life
  • Those who are most common to donate blood are those who have already been “touched by the need for blood”

As the need for blood supply is on a steady rise, it has never been more important to donate! 

So now, how do you tackle the issue of finding enough time to donate?

Organising a blood drive for your organisation is a great idea not only to save lives but to improve employee morale by creating a sense of unity, team pride and leadership.

You can also:

  • Improve your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Implement your corporate mission without undermining core activities
  • Get out of the office/workplace!

Did I mention everyone gets a free cookie and milkshake at the end?

Find out more about team blood donation and making the most of World Blood Donor Day.

Our services are available nationwide. For more information about our services contact us.

Our consultants love to have a chat, so go ahead and give us a call on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.

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Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/