24 September 2021 posted by Recovery Partners

Recovery Partners is now offering Rapid Antigen Testing in NSW. We can administer the tests for you, train your staff and provide supervision. If you’re concerned about COVID-19 in your workplace, Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) is a way to stay on top of the virus quickly, regularly and cheaply.

What is Rapid Antigen Testing?

NSW Government describes Rapid Antigen Testing (RAT) as a screening tool to help detect COVID-19 in people without any symptoms of COVID-19.

Its purpose is to detect COVID-19 in people who don’t have any symptoms. It detects if antigens are being produced by the body which indicates a virus may be present and the immune system is trying to fight it.

RAT involves a nasal swab (using a small cotton bud) that is placed into a chemical solution. The result displays within 15 to 20 minutes. It is important to note that RAT cannot specifically detect COVID-19.

What happens if someone on site has a positive test?

If a positive result shows, then the next step is to direct that person away from the workplace and get a COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test at a COVID-19 testing location.

Recovery Partners can provide two different services

Service 1: Rapid Antigen Testing Capability

  • Develop a documented framework for RAT at your workplace (framework will include procedures)
  • Train selected staff to perform RAT testing
  • Provide remote supervision to your RAT testers
  • Develop a compliance checklist
  • Provide the required health practitioner to conduct remote supervision of your staff performing RAT testing.
  • External Compliance Audits
  • Advice on the mandated provision of PPE
  • Advice on the procurement of RAT kits

Service 2: Recovery Partners Rapid Antigen Testing Service

  • The provision of Recovery Partners testing staff to deliver RAT at your work sites
  • The completion of RAT result recording
  • Reporting and escalation of appropriate RAT results to on-site manager

Benefits of RAT

RAT cannot prevent COVID-19 but is a useful tool to be used in addition to other parts of your WHSMS including, policy, procedures, distancing, masks, hand sanitiser and QR codes.

RAT is like an indicator and helps prevent possible COVID-19 infected people into your workplace and infecting others. This has numerous benefits including being proactive about the safety of personnel, preventing a mass shortage of staff or worse, being shut down by the health department.

How much does RAT cost?

Costs will vary, please get in touch with us today.

Overall, it’s a seemingly small price to pay for the health of your workers and to avoid any site closures.

Is RAT mandated in Australia?

At the time of writing, it is not yet mandated but this could change in the coming weeks or months as Australia reaches its vaccination targets.

Who should use RAT?

While not currently mandated, Rapid Antigen Testing is being considered in schools, construction sites, communities on the NSW and QLD border, frontline workers and many other sites and situations.

Ultimately, it could save lives.

Contact us today to learn more.

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Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/Â