Safety Management Plan Construction
Safety Management Plan (Construction)
A construction project is defined by Safety Regulations as when construction costs exceed $250,000. (Varies in some states). Whoever is in control of the Construction Project assumes the role of the Principal Contractor. The Principal Contractor is mandated by Regulations to develop a Safety Management Plan BEFORE work on the project begins.
The Safety Management Plan needs to be communicated to all contractor, subcontractors and all workers involved in the construction project.
This Safety Management Plan is specifically developed for the construction industry and assists PCBU’s to meet the regulatory requirements. It covers a wide range of construction based risks and how they will be managed including policies, incident management, objectives and targets, monitoring safety performance, SWMS, lifting equipment, housekeeping, grinding, toolbox talks, electrical equipment, PPE and much more.
Its fully editable to allow you to add or delete items relevant to your project.
Aligned with ISO45001, it will also assist in meeting tender requirements.
The Safety Management Plan (SMP) also comes with 19 separate documents including 11 forms and 8 registers to capture data and evidence the Plan is being used.
11 x Forms included
1. Workplace Inspection Checklist – Construction
This checklist can be used at any construction site as a tool to identify hazards and demonstrate legal compliance. Identify hazards and apply the risk management processes outlined in the SMP.
It includes common construction hazards and can be easily customised. |
2. Daily Pre-start Form
This is a hybrid form to identify relevant SWMS to the tasks being performed on the day. It also shows how immediate identified changes to the site on the day may change safety controls required. The form further acts as a toolbox talk with an area for workers to raise concerns and sign off on understanding.
It is an efficient and simple way to demonstrate site hazards and risks are being dealt with while consulting and communicating on a day to day basis. |
3. Toolbox Talk Template
Toolbox Talks are an everyday occurrence on construction sites. Use this form to easily capture the topic/s of the Talk and has an area for workers to sign off on their understanding of the issues and relevant safety controls. |
4. Incident Report and Investigation Form
The Incident and Investigation Form allows near miss, incidents, and injuries to be reported. The form guides the user to look for root causes for the incident to have occurred in the first place and gives an opportunity to implement a corrective action. |
5. WHSMS Audit Checklist
All PCBU and Principal Contractors legally need to demonstrate monitoring and review of a Safety Management Plan. (SMP) This Checklist enables easy demonstration that key components of the SMP are being monitored and reviewed.
It is also easily customisable. |
6. Hazard Report Form | The Hazard Report Form is a simple 1 page document that encourages workers to report near miss and other hazards. The simpler the process the more it will be used.
The worker reports in the first part and the relevant manager completes the form and escalates appropriately. |
7. Plant Pre-start Checklist
This checklist is aimed at larger and usually higher risk plant. It is a simple 1 page generic form to cover most types of larger plant and assist demonstrate basic due diligence prior to operation.
It is perfect to use prior to a specific checklist being developed and used. |
8. SWMS Template
The SWMS template has all legally required inclusions and is easily customised for any task, operation, machinery, or chemical use.
It has a risk matrix to prioritise risks and show how considered controls will lower that risk. It is specifically developed for High Risk Construction Works as mandated by safety regulations. |
9. Permit to Work Form | High risk works like hot works, electrical works, asbestos related works, working at heights etc. require a higher level of supervision and controls.
The Permit to Work requires higher management to authorise and approve works before they can begin. |
10. Site Safety Rules | Safety Regulations mandates site safety rules are included in all construction projects and construction Safety Management Plans.
It comes with 16 pre-populated common site rules and allows for others to be added as required. As a 1 page document it can easily be printed and displayed as required. |
11. Emergency Contacts List
This 1 page document shows key contacts required in an emergency. As a 1 pager it can easily be customised and printed and displayed.
It includes contacts such as Police, HSR’s Safety Manager, First aiders, WorkSafe, Gas Emergencies, Wardens and more. |
8 x Registers included
12. PPE Register
The PPE Register is pre- populated with common PPE required in worksites.
It can easily be customised and shows what workers have been given relevant PPE. |
13. Training and Competency Register | Training is a large part of safety law and covered in numerous parts of safety Acts and Regulations.
This training register is pre-populated with common training required including licences, SWMS, site training requirements, first aid, wardens, etc. Keep track of who needs to what training and when they have done it and when it needs to be updated. |
14. Plant and Equipment Register | This register has 8 pages with 1 page each dedicated to:
· Motor Vehicles · Mobile Cranes · Fixed Plant · Mobile Plant · General Tools · Electrical · RCD · Lifting Equipment It can easily be customised. The types of plant and equipment already included assist in meeting legal obligations and include maintenance, testing requirements and much more. |
15. Register of Injuries and Accidents | A legal requirement in any business is to maintain an injury register to assist in identifying patterns and enabling risk management controls to be introduced and risk reduced.
Track who was involved, first aid incidents, medical treatment incidents (MTI) and lost time incidents (LTI). |
16. Site Specific Risk Register | A risk register captures all hazards and associated risks on site. It also captures controls put in place to reduce risk and at what stage considered controls are at in terms of approval and implementation.
It shows if the risks are related to safety, environment, or quality. A risk matrix is included with formulas built-in to auto color risk with relevant hazards in line with the matrix. |
17. Worker and Visitor Sign-in Register | All workers and visitors should sign into a work site on entry and sign out on exit.
This enables easy verification of who needs to be evacuated in the event of an emergency. It can be customised easily to include who should be contacted in an emergency (next of kin) or if the worker has a white card on a day of work. E.g. required in construction. |
18. Hazardous Substances Register | Asbestos, chemicals, dangerous goods can all be captured on this register.
Track when Safety Data Sheets are due for updating, when a Safe Work Procedure should be developed for high risk substances and workers trained accordingly, and more. |
19. Approved Contractor Register | Contractors who have undergone a pre-engagement scrutiny process per a contractor management procedure should be easily identified by relevant people in control of contractors.
This register will keep track of insurances, expiry dates, SWMS submission, ABN registration, white cards, and lots more. It can easily be customised to any business. |
If you have any questions with the Safety Management Plan or any of the 19 forms and registers simply call us and we will be glad to help. 😊
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