This Chemical Management Procedure covers requirements for hazardous chemicals (a more specific procedure is required for Dangerous Goods) and will work for most organisations with minimal changes required.
It can easily be customised.
It includes items for consideration such as risk assessments, developing Safe Work Procedures, Safety Data Sheets and more.
This procedure also comes with 3 forms included:
- Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessment template – this template guides you through items to consider from a chemicals Safety Data Sheet to ensure the best outcome for your risk assessment.
- Hazardous Chemicals Register – This register is to capture all the chemicals you use on site and consider if the chemical is high risk, how old the SDS is and if a Safe Work Procedure should be developed for it.
- HSEQ Risk Register – This register can hold anything to do with Health, Safety, Environment or Quality. All high risk chemicals should be risk assessed and have Safe Work Procedures developed.