This Emergency Procedure is 13 pages long and will suit most workplaces. It outlines common emergency situations and can easily be customised to your business. It includes fire, bomb threat, armed hold up, drills and wardens’ responsibilities.
This procedure also comes with 5 forms included:
- Fire Safety Checklist – can easily be used by the warden or nominated person to quickly ensure there are no obvious hazards that may increase the risk of fire. Numerous well known hazards that contribute to an increased risk are included such as fire extinguishers, electrical equipment and hazardous chemicals.
- Evacuation Drill Report Checklist- This 15 step checklist includes prompts to look for when conducting an evacuation drill to ensure a demonstratable continuous improvement approach to emergency management. The checklist enables areas of improvement to be identified and shared with wardens and employees in feedback and future evacuation drills.
- Emergency Contacts List – This 1 page document shows key contacts required in an emergency. As a 1 pager it can easily be customised and printed and displayed. It includes contacts such as Police, HSR’s Safety Manager, First aiders, WorkSafe, Gas Emergencies, Wardens and more.
- Evacuation Procedure Flow Chart – A simple 1 page, 11 step evacuation procedure shown in a flow chart. It can be easily customised to your business and displayed with your evacuation maps or other information sharing locations.
- Bomb Threat Checklist – A 2 page checklist that captures critical information in the event of a bomb threat. This enables the best chance for authorities to locate the perpetrator and/or device and determine if the threat is real or a hoax.