This First Aid Procedure will work for most organisations with minimal changes required.
It is written in line with the latest Code of Practice for First Aid that manages risk associated with first aid using a risk management approach. It includes things like First Aid Officer duties, training requirements and a first aid treatment process.
This procedure also comes with 3 forms included:
- First Aid Risk Assessment Template – This template assists in meeting the requirements of the Code of Practice for First Aid. It includes items relevant to managing first aid using a risk management approach. Issues considered include specific business risks e.g., chemical use, distance from hospitals and medical centres and numbers of first aiders required.
- First Aid Kit Contents Checklist – Based on the old Code of Practice for First Aid, this first aid checklist provides a good base template that can be easily customised to your business based on findings in your First Aid risk assessment – as mandated by the new Code of Practice.
- Register of Incidents and Injuries – A legal requirement in any business is to maintain an injury register to assist in identifying patterns and enabling risk management controls to be introduced and risk reduced. Track who was involved, first aid incidents, medical treatment incidents (MTI) and lost time incidents (LTI).