The bulk of a Work Health and Safety Management System is to prevent injuries. When an incident occurs, an organisation must try and learn from it to prevent a re-occurrence. An immediate response is to provide first aid but an investigation should be conducted when warranted to identify why it occurred in the first place and to then implement risk reduction controls.
This procedure covers topics like:
- What to do in the event of an incident
- How workers should report incidents
- Incident investigation
- Types of incidents that legally need to be reported to the relevant State Safety Authority
- First Aid Officer duties
- Determining First Aid needs
- First Aid treatment
The procedure come with four (4) forms to complement its implementation. These are:
- Incident and Injuries Register
- Incident and Investigation Report Template
- First Aid Risk Assessment
- First Aid Kit Checklist
The procedure and forms are all completely editable by you to customise to your business.