This Training and Induction Procedure will work for most organisations with minimal changes required.
It has been written to serve as a holistic training and induction procedure but is safety focussed. It can easily be customised to only focus on safety or expanded to cater to your entire training requirements.
It includes items for consideration such as inductions, planning for what trainings are required and competency checks for high risk tasks.
This procedure also comes with 7 forms included:
- Training Needs Analysis – A Training Needs Analysis is a processed but simple way of considering who is within your organisation and what information and tasks are pertinent for each to be trained in. This 2-page form gives suggestions for trainings and to relevant groups that can easily be customised.
- Training Program – A Training Program is usually generated after conducting a Training Needs Analysis. Once the organisation has worked out who needs to be trained in what, this simple form can be easily customised and assists in coordinating that training throughout the organisation over a 12-month period.
- Employee WHS Induction Checklist – This checklist covers the basic things an employee should be inducted in regard to your operation and their safety. It can be easily customised.
- Training Record and Summary – The Training Record and Summary enables a simple way of evidencing a training session, topics included and then a page for participants in the training to sign off on their attendance.
- Competency Assessment Summary – For high risk tasks, it is important to demonstrate that not only was a worker trained, but they were also assessed for competency while actually completing the task. This practical process enables a nominated ‘expert’ (previously trained, with experience or with relevant qualifications) to assess the worker as competent by watching, consulting and mentoring. The Competency Assessment Summary is easily customised and has an example of how it would be customised included in the form.
- Training and Competency Register – This is a simple Excel spreadsheet that is pre-populated with typical training items that relate to safety and should be considered within your business. You can customise easily, and it includes worker name columns and over 15 columns of suggested trainings that may apply.
- Contractor WHS Induction Checklist – This checklist covers the basic things a contractor should be inducted in regard to your operation and their safety. It can be easily customised.