A safety gap analysis will show you how healthy your WHSMS actually is.

A Safety Gap Analysis is a short safety audit which will help you understand where your safety gaps are and where improvements can be made in your Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS).

We tailor our Safety Services so the right company is getting the right audit. From 15 minutes over the phone, to 5 days on site,
and everything in between.

Benefits of Safety Gap Analysis

  • Assists your organisation meet regulatory requirements
  • Facilitates a systematic, measured approach to WHS system development and implementation Identifies the level of WHS compliance in your business
  • Know precisely what needs to be done to improve safety, compliance and performance
  • We use WHS best practice methodology outlined in ISO45001 as the gap analysis criteria
  • Use the WHS gap analysis demonstrate continual improvement to relevant authorities.

What you get:

  • A no obligation written report with recommendations
  • Ongoing assistance if required

Let’s start a conversation!

Our friendly support team are ready to assist you.
Call us on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.au

We welcome your Safety Gap Analysis enquiry

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