A Safe Work Procedure (SWP) provides information on potential hazards and control measures. It outlines how to do a specific job safely. They should be developed for high risk tasks and relevant employees trained in each.
For clarity – if you work in the construction industry or any industry that conducts High Risk Construction Work you should look to buy our SWMS procedure and templates. These are designed to be legally compliant for the WHS Regulations that mandate their use.
For most organisations SWP can be used. They are simpler in design and content. This procedure outlines when to develop a Safe Work Procedure and the steps to follow.
The procedure also includes 3 different styles of SWP templates:
- Basic 1 Page where you tick relevant PPE requirements and list the task steps, hazards and controls. Ideally to create a 1 page SWP that can be displayed where a hazardous task, chemical or machine is used.
- Multi Page Single Image – this allows a photo or picture to be added at the start and finishes in an area that allows employees to sign off after training.
- Multi Page Multi Image – as above but allows a photo or image to be placed next to each step in the SWP.
** Note check the DIY Toolbox on our website where you can buy completed SWP for various tasks. Ask us if the one you want isn’t there and we will make it for you to buy at no extra cost!