5 January 2020 posted by Recovery Partners

Mould is a surprisingly common workplace problem and its presence can predispose workers to the potential health effects. While most moulds are not a major problem, they can grow to massive numbers given the opportunity.

Employees who suspect exposure to mould may not want to work at the workplace, and their productivity may decline. Also, they may file workers’ compensation and disability claims.

So, what can employers do to resolve the issue? The best course of action would be to actively prevent mould from growing in the first place.

The question then becomes, “how?”

Preventing mould growth

To prevent mould from growing, it is important to know how mould grows. For mould to grow, moisture and organic matter are prerequisites. Given that moisture is essential for mould growth, it seems eliminating water would solve the problem. 

Well, not really. Even if you were to eliminate all visible water, you would still need to deal with high ambient humidity and saturated materials. The key to preventing mould growth is reducing dampness in the building.  This can be done by:

  • Maintaining proper ventilation
  • Turning on exhaust fans
  • Opening windows when the weather permits
  • Limiting the use of humidifiers.
  • Repair all water leaks and plumbing problems

Keep your building’s humidity level below 70 percent and inspect your building’s HVAC system regularly. In the case of a water spill, completely clean and dry the floor or carpet. Discard any material that cannot be cleaned and dried completely.


At Recovery Partners, our experts can help you perform an initial assessment in the workplace and recommend remediation procedures.

Our services are available nationwide. For more information about our services contact us.

Our consultants love to have a chat, so go ahead and give us a call on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.au


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Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/