22 September 2023 posted by Recovery Partners

The 7 most effective Psychometric tests

Psychometric tests implemented in the right conditions can be genuine and reliable indicators of future job performance, resilience, cultural fit, and engagement. When used correctly, they can significantly increase the chances that new employees will succeed in the role and within your organisation.

However, before you rush and incorporate the assessments into your hiring process, you will need to ensure you know the law, know your business needs, and know the reliability and validity of the tests to ensure you use these tests in the right way. That’s where Recovery Partners come in, we can assist with providing the best psychometric test suited for your hiring needs.

1. Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning – Adult (BRIEF-A)

    • The BRIEF-A is a reliable and valid measure that assesses an adult’s executive functions or self-regulation in their everyday environment. Areas of executive functioning are split into two categories:
        • Behavioural Regulation:
            • Inhibit – ability to control impulsiveness.
            • Shift – ability to adapt to changing situations.
            • Emotional control – ability to regulate emotional responses appropriately.
        • Metacognition:
            • Initiate – begin activities and independently develop ideas or problem-solving strategies.
            • Working memory – hold information temporarily and readily use it for planning, comprehension, reasoning and problem-solving.
            • Plan/organise – ability to foresee events, set goals, develop steps, organise, and understand key information.
            • Self-monitor – check and assess own behaviour
            • Task monitor – check and assess own performance
            • Organisation of materials – ability to put order in work, play and storage spacesThese skills are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully.

2. The ‘Big Five’ (NEO Five Factor Inventory)

    • This psychometric test is a comprehensive measure of the five major domains of personality – known as the Five-Factor Model or more commonly known as the “Big 5”.
    • This will help you understand further about the characteristics and behaviours of your candidates, making it easier to select which ones make a good fit for both the role and business culture.
    • The 5 domains include:
        1. Neuroticism – refers to your level of emotional stability and resiliency
        2. Extraversion – refers to your level of emotional expressiveness, sociability, assertiveness and talkativeness
        3. Openness – also known as Openness to Experience, refers to the level of imagination and insight
        4. Conscientiousness – refers to goal-directed behaviours, level of thoughtfulness, and impulse control
        5. Agreeableness – refers to prosocial behaviours such as trust, altruism, kindness and empathy.

3. Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)

    • The PAI provides information relevant for clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for psychopathology (symptoms, behaviours, causes, development, and treatments of various mental health disorders).
    • This will aid in identifying potential pre-existing psychological risks and vulnerabilities for roles with high-risk work environments.

4. ACER Test of Abstract Reasoning (TAR)

    • The TAR assesses a candidates non-verbal reasoning skill. It measures the extent to which a candidate can discover principles and rules and apply them to solve problems. The following facets are linked to measures of abstract reasoning:
        1. Planning and coordinating
        2. Creating innovative solutions to problems
        3. Making decisions in a rational manner
        4. Learning new material quickly
        5. Collecting and analysing information

5. Coping Scale for Adults (CSA)

    • The CSA measures a candidate’s usage of various coping behaviours and the effectiveness of these responses. Areas of coping behaviours are split into 3 categories:
        1. Productive Coping Skills
          • This encompasses problem solving while remaining physically active and socially connected.
        2. Non-Productive Coping Skills
          • This indicates use of avoidance strategies and inability to cope with stressors.
        3. Problem-Solving Coping Skills
          • This is characterised by cooperative problem solving using available resources.

6. Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment – Workplace – Revised (MEIA-W-R)

    • The MEIA-W-R is a personality test that is designed to measure Emotional Intelligence (EI) in work settings. EI allows individuals to perceive, understand, regulate, and manage emotions.
    • This psychometric test can be used to obtain an enhanced understanding of a candidate’s interpersonal skillset and how key components of EI affect a candidate’s workplace performance.

7. PTSD Trauma Screening (PCL-5)

    • The PCL-5 assessment measures 20 of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual – V) symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It covers the 4 domains consistent with the criteria of the DSM-5 PTSD:
        1. Re-experiencing
        2. Avoidance
        3. Negative alterations in cognition and mood
        4. Hyper-arousal
    • It is used to monitor symptom changes, screen for PTSD, or make a provisional PTSD diagnosis.

Download a FREE copy of the complete guide to Psychometric tests:

To obtain quality candidate for your company and to learn more about the best psychometric tests suited for your hiring needs, get in touch with Recovery Partners.

To learn more contact us by calling 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email enquiries@rrp.com.au

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Disclaimer – these articles are provided to supply general safety information to people responsible for OHS in their organisation. They are general in nature and do not substitute for legal and/or professional advice. We always suggest that organisations obtain information specific to their needs. Additional information can be found at https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/