Safety Alert

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Safety Alert


A Safety Alert can be generated by an identified hazard, near miss, incident or accident that has been identified. The purpose of a safety alert is to warn employees of potential danger. This may be directly associated with the company or an issue that has occurred within the industry


A simple 1-page template that can be edited to suit high-risk safety issues in your business.


The Safety Alert Template is $4.95 or included free when you purchase the Consultation & Communication Procedure

  • The document/s I am purchasing must be used cautiously and must be modified to reflect the particular circumstances of use.
  • The documents/s do not comprise legal or other professional advice.
  • Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of the document/s, no person should rely upon the document/s without first obtaining advice from a qualified professional and reviewing the document/s to ascertain if appropriate for the intended use.
  • Recovery Partners does not warrant that the document/s I am purchasing are fit for any specific purposes, including without limitation compliance with any legal requirements that may be applicable to my organisation.
  • Recovery Partners does not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance on the contents of the document/s I am purchasing.

A Safety Alert can be generated by an identified hazard, near miss, incident or accident that has been identified. The purpose of a safety alert is to warn employees of potential danger. This may be directly associated with the company or an issue that has occurred within the industry


A simple 1-page template that can be edited to suit high-risk safety issues in your business.


The Safety Alert Template is $4.95 or included free when you purchase the Consultation & Communication Procedure